How managers can lead the way to healthy work environments
COVID-19 has drastically changed the face of our work life. Keeping your workforce mentally healthy has never been more important. Here, we look at strategies for creating a healthy work environment now - and into the future.
The Future of Workpodcast
In this joint podcast with Rebecca Cassells, Sharon Parker explores how the ‘working from home’ phenomenon has helped bolster Australia’s economy and how people can work most effectively from home to support their mental health.
Improve the performance of virtual teams
In this short article, Dr Florian Klonek provides quick tips to improve the performance of your virtual team.
Improve the performance of virtual teams continued
Designing SMART teamwork: How work design can boost performance in virtual teams.
Working from Home: ABC radio interview
Professor Sharon Parker discusses the challenges of working from home and how to overcome them in an interview with Jessica Strutt (ABC Radio Perth).
Understanding Employee Motivation During Covid-19 Whitepaper
A white paper for employers and leaders to better understand how employee motivationmay be impacted by Covid-19.
How to make your work from home SMARTer
In this article, we provide tips on how to create SMART work to maintain your productivity and well-being while you are working from home.
SMART Work At Home
This presentation from Sharon Parker will focus on how to ensure that working from home is healthy and productive. Professor Parker will first introduce the SMART model of work design.
Staying motivated while working remotely during a pandemic
Designing SMART teamwork: How work design can boost performance in virtual teams