The ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) at Curtin University is pleased to announce the launch of our CEPAR “Mature Workers in Organisations” Small Grant Award.
Applications are now open for researchers to submit proposals for projects that will be conducted in collaboration with the CEPAR Stream 3 ‘Organisations and the Mature Workforce’ research team.
Award level
Applications must clearly justify the requested grant amount and how it will support the proposed outcomes of the research, up to a maximum amount of $AUD 10,000 for each proposal.
If your project requires funds above the $AUD 10,000 level, please highlight in your proposal what could be achieved with extra funding and we will consider it if funds are still available after awards have been granted. The total amount of funding across all projects available is $AUD 40,000.
The award will be dedicated to direct research expenses to support data collection, data analysis, and/or writing up of the project (e.g., compensate participants, purchase supplies needed for data collection, pay a research assistant, access online participant panels, transcription services, access longitudinal/ cohort-based datasets, visits to the CEPAR Curtin node).
Funds may not be used for salary, replacement teaching, computer kit, or travel to conferences, and no indirect costs will be granted to the awardee’s institution.
Principal investigators should submit a 3-5 page proposal outlining their proposed research project, together with their CV by April, 15th, 2022, to
The proposal should include a short justification of the proposed research, the aims of the project, proposed methodology, an approximate time scale, and a short justification of the requested budget.
Proposals will be evaluated by the CEPAR Curtin research team and successful projects will be announced no later than May, 15th, 2022.
Topics (these are just suggestions, projects on all aspects related to ageing at work will be considered)
Organizational processes and/or workplace interventions that facilitate successful ageing at work.
Types of work design (including location of work, flexible work arrangements,etc.), organizational supports, or individual approaches (e.g., proactive behaviors) that promote continued engagement, productivity and wellbeing of mature workers.
How broader changes occurring in work are experienced by mature workers and/or how they combine with life-span changes to influence work outcomes.
Age diversity in work teams and processes that can facilitate/inhibit interactions/collaboration between employees of different ages.
A mature worker/ age diversity perspective on organizational socialization, including re-entry to workforce post-retirement.
Further information
Download the CEPAR “Mature Workers in Organisations” Small Grant Award Guidelines
For any questions about topics, logistics, or any other question, please contact one of the Curtin node CEPAR postdocs: Daniela Andrei or Jane Chong