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Image by Mimi Thian

Proactive behaviours and job crafting in teams

Project Brief


This project seeks to further our understanding of proactive work behaviour in teams (in the form of job crafting). Job crafting involves people altering their tasks and interactions at work to better align them with their needs, abilities, and preferences.


There are four different types of job crafting, which involve increasing or decreasing certain job demands or job resources. So far, the research on job crafting has mainly focused on exploring its individual benefits. It suggests that people who job craft are more fulfilled and happier within their job roles, and that they are therefore more likely to thrive at work. To the best of our knowledge however, there is a gap in the research on the ways in which job crafting may affect others. We aim to address this gap in research by studying the role of job crafting in team contexts. In doing so, we shed light on the team dynamics affected by these behaviours, informing our understanding of pro-activity in organisations and contributing to the growing body of research on this topic.


We seek to sample a minimum of about 200 adult participants who are either full-time or part-time working to take part in this study.

How to participate?

You can participate in this research through an online experiment. Your participation involves working on an interdependent task that can be carried out online.


First, you will receive some background information about the task. You will then interact with another team member via online messaging about this task. This team member will send you email messages and you may select how you wish to respond to them. Afterwards, you will be asked about your perceptions of this co-worker (i.e. his/her behaviours, e.g. “This co-worker tries to develop him/herself professionally”), as well as some questions about yourself (your gender, age, work experience, etc.).


You will only have to participate once in this study and your data will be saved electronically. The entire study should take about 30 minutes to complete. Apart from your time, there will be no extra cost to you for taking part in this research.  We will use an experimental approach in this study, and each participant will be randomly assigned to their co-worker for this task. That is, your co-worker will be assigned to you by chance, like tossing a coin.

Interested to participate in our simulation?

If you would like to help us with this, please click the following link.

Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) has approved this study (HREC number HRE2019-0296


Florian Klonek-24.jpg


Dr Maria Tims

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Professor Sharon Parker

Student Investigator

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The Centre for Transformative Work Design

is part of the Future of Work Institute at Curtin University.

© 2025 Centre for Transformative Work Design​​

The Centre acknowledges Whadjuk Nyungar people who remain Custodians of the lands on which we research, learn and collaborate.

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